Sunday, February 15, 2009

Test running PCLinuxOS on a Windows XP VirtualBox

It takes time and getting accustomed to doing things to be good at something. Even veteran Windows users are good at what they do. I know because I've been there.

It is pretty much the same with using Linux; there are a lot to be learned. I've had my good share of frustrations and successes. And I am still on the upward of that learning curve.

These days, OS developers tend to make things easier for the new users. It is a competition on the installer and the desktop experience. There are countless HowTos spread all over the Internet, and I don't mean to add anymore to much of the "garbage" out here. I'm sure that there are others that is the same in topic and process, however I wrote Installing PCLinuxOS 2008 Minime on a Windows XP VirtualBox (PDF), and I wanted to share it with open-minded Windows users, and perhaps they might be able to see where I am coming from.

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