Although for some reasons, there has been no announcement so far as I know, PCLinuxOS 2009 had been released. The timestamp of the ISO was March 9th, and after downloading it and making certain that the md5sum checks out, I ran it on VirtualBox. I guess it's time for first impressions. The release features the Linux kernel, KDE 3.5.10, 3.0, Firefox 3.0.7, Thunderbird, KTorrent, Frostwire, Amarok, Flash, Java JRE, Compiz-Fusion 3D, and many more.
PCLinuxOS 2009 IS the easiest Linux distribution to use. The installable LiveCD only prompted to choose a keyboard layout and it's the login screen. Everything that a normal computer user would ever need to use is right there packed in its 696.2 Megabytes of the latest and greatest applications from the world of FOSS and GNU/Linux.
Once on the desktop, the all-familiar layout to any long-time PCLinuxOS user is without a question the most sensible arrangement. I was even instantly connected to the Internet without the need to configure the network. Sure, it was running as a guest on VirtualBox but I am betting that the simplicity of PCLinuxOS would be appealing to even a hardcore Windows user and a veteran Linux user.
However, the most obvious question to be asked is, why didn't PCLinuxOS use KDE4. For us insiders and PCLinuxOS community members, we know why and we understand and we won't mind staying with the last release of KDE 3.5. We'll get there eventually but for now, we'll enjoy the stability of KDE 3.5.10.
The following screenshots are proof of how Radically Simple PCLinuxOS 2009 truly is:
Thanks to
Texstar and the Ripper Gang for their love and dedication. We can only be behind you on this. Lead on ...
BIG FLASH! PCLinuxOS 2009.1 replaced PCLinuxOS 2009 as a minor bug fix release.